
Global Network

Global Network

Aryaka is the world’s first cloud service to accelerate and optimize WAN. Incredibly cost-effective, Aryaka provides features such as the speeding-up of on-premises applications through the optimization of point-to-point communications and the optimization of connections with cloud services, minimizing network delays and packet loss. Aryaka can reduce the bandwidth used by Office365 lines up to 99.5% and speed up downloads up to 40-fold. Speeding up access can achieve robust performance.

Business details

  • Provision of Aryaka-Smart Connect, a global WAN optimization service
  • Provision of Aryaka-Smart Access, a service for speeding up remote access VPN connections

Features/Business Deployment

Aryaka-Smart Connect

This is a cloud-type WAN optimization solution for global companies that enables the use of the visibility of globally expanded POPs, centralized WAN and application layers for monthly billing without necessitating a hardware investment. In addition to eliminating point-to-point communication delays, the solution can speed up applications through the optimization of WAN and obtain high performance even when using cloud services over the Internet.

Aryaka-Smart Access

Aryaka-Smart Access is a cloud-type service that speeds up remote access VPNs, providing remote users around the world with robust working environments. Use the nearest globally deployed POPs to access corporate applications via Aryaka’s high-speed global network. Furthermore, Aryaka-Smart Access helps reduce IT divisions’ costs for the operation and maintenance of VPN devices.

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