
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Broadmedia Corporation
CEO Taro Hashimoto
Effective: May 10, 2004
Revised: September 13, 2005
Revised: February 2, 2007
Revised: October 1, 2007
Revised: April 1, 2020

Our corporate philosophy is to contribute to communities through quality content and services produced by human creativity. We recognize that your personal information is a valuable asset, and we will ensure that our employees and executive staff will protect your personal information by appropriately and safely handling the information provided by you, and abiding by our compliance program for the protection of personal information.

1. Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information

When collecting personal information, we will specify its intended use. We will only use or disclose the information for the specific purposes for which you have given consent. We will not use the information in any ways that exceed the specified purposes, and will implement appropriate measures to ensure that the information cannot be used for other purposes.

2. Safety of Personal Information

We fully understand the risks associated with handling personal information, and we will strive to protect your information from unauthorized access, leak, loss or destruction. Should such incidents occur, we will take appropriate action in a most timely manner to prevent their recurrence.

3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with all Japanese laws, guidelines, and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information.

4. Establishment, Implementation, Maintenance and Improvement of Compliance Program for the Protection of Personal Information

On December 13, 2005, our company acquired Privacy Mark certification in compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) guidelines. We established and implemented a compliance program for the protection of personal information in compliance with JIS Q 15001 (Requirements for Compliance Program on Personal Information Protection). We continue to maintain and improve our compliance program through periodic reviews.

5. Inquiries and Complaints

We will respond to inquiries and complaints regarding personal information within a reasonable amount of time. If you request the disclosure, amendment, or deletion of your personal information, we will do so without delay. Please contact us at the number previously notified to you or the Broadmedia Personal Information Help Desk below.

Broadmedia Personal Information Help Desk

Tel: +81-3-6439-3725
Open 10AM to 6PM, except for weekends and holidays

To make an inquiry via our website, please clickhere.

Handling of Personal Data

Effective: August 31, 2007
Revised: October 1, 2007
Revised: December 6, 2013
Revised: December 22, 2017
Revised: April 1, 2020
Revised: January 27, 2022
Revised: April 1, 2022
Revised: January 29, 2024

(1) Use of Personal Information

Specification and Disclosure of the Intended Use of Personal Information

The personal information collected by our company will be used for the following purposes.

Type of Personal Information Use
1 Customers’ personal information (excluding the personal information defined in 2 to 5)
  • <Provision of services>
  • Provision of our services
  • Provision of information about our current services, new services and new options
  • Provision of information based on results of research and analysis on how our services are used
  • Research on and action against system failures and accidents involving our service
  • Billing
  • Transfer of funds, documents, etc.
  • After-sales service
  • Activities relating to the suspension of our services
  • Other purposes as defined in the Terms of Use or similar

  • <Campaigns etc.>
  • Notices about our and other companies’ products, services, campaigns, previews and events; provision of gifts
  • Questionnaires, monitoring or testing
  • Display and distribution of advertisements and delivery
  • Market research and development of products and services

  • <Handling Inquiries>
  • Responding to inquiries and consultation, and making contact
  • Confirming the identity of customers who contact us

  • <Other>
  • Fulfillment of rights and obligations based on laws and contracts
  • Confirmations relating to audits
  • Other matters accompanying or relating to our operations
2 Personal information about students of Renaissance High School (including affiliated schools, which applies hereinafter) and their parents
  • Creation of student rolls, grade reports and other documents, teaching and paperwork
  • Guiding students, career counseling, etc.
  • Including the names of graduates, future graduates and successful university applicants in a list
3 Personal information about applicants for admission to Renaissance High School
  • Sending school brochures, application guidelines, notices of explanatory meetings or other information materials and making phone calls
  • Communicating deficiency in an application document or omissions in an attached document
  • Creating and sending documents relating to admission procedures
  • Sending a notice to the school that an applicant is or was enrolled for our school, to the school that the applicant is currently attending or graduated from if an inquiry is received about whether the applicant has applied for our school
4 Personal information about graduates from Renaissance High School
  • Creating a list of graduates, certificates and other documents; teaching; and paperwork
  • Including the graduates’ names in the list of successful university candidates or other documents
5 Information about persons who asked for brochures or made inquiries about Renaissance High School
  • Sending school brochures, application guidelines, notices of explanatory meetings or other information materials and making phone calls
  • Handling inquiries
6 Shareholders
  • Provision of documents and other materials, as determined by various laws and regulations
  • Management as determined by various laws and regulations
  • Disclosure as part of the information to be disclosed by our company
    (limited to information regarding certain major shareholders)
  • Execution and documentation of shareholders' meetings
7 Contact person for a business partner or a potential client
  • Keeping informed about the contact point of potential clients, business partners, etc.
  • Contact/visit the person in question
  • Fulfillment of a contract and demands for the fulfillment of a contract
  • Provision of information regarding products, services, campaigns, etc. related to our company or other relevant 3rd-party businesses
  • Billing
  • Transfer of funds, documents, etc
  • Responses to inquiries and requests
  • Fulfillment of rights and obligations based on laws and contracts
  • Confirmations relating to audits
  • Other matters accompanying or relating to our operations
8 Applicants for employment
  • Selection of applicants
  • Responses to inquiries and requests
  • Communication with applicants
  • Fulfillment of rights and obligations based on laws and contracts
  • Confirmations relating to audits
  • Other matters accompanying or relating to our operations
9 Employees
  • Personnel management and employee benefit procedures-including human resources, attendance, salary, health, and medical-related matters
  • Provision of tools necessary to perform business
  • Fulfillment of rights and obligations based on laws and contracts
  • Confirmations relating to audits
  • Other matters accompanying or relating to our operations
10 Personal information received from clients/business partners
  • Fulfillment of outsourced business relating to agencies or the operation of the science test

Please note that in addition to the above, there may instances in which additional usages will be individually defined when the disclosure of personal information is necessary for other services, surveys, etc.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose personal information to third parties, except for the purposes for which you have given consent. However, this does not apply in the following:

  • (1) When complying with laws and regulations
  • (2) When disclosure is necessary for the protection of human life, human health or property, and it is difficult to obtain your consent
  • (3) When disclosure is necessary for reasons of public health or the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain your consent
  • (4) When it is necessary to cooperate with government agencies, local authorities, or parties working on their behalf to perform their duties as required by law, and obtaining your consent may obstruct those duties

Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information

We may outsource the handling of personal information to third parties in order to facilitate smooth business operations. The handling of personal information will only be outsourced to carefully selected third parties that meet the standards defined by our company. Use of personal information will also be managed and supervised by our company.

About Cookies

We use cookies and other technologies. We handle cookies and other technologies and information acquired through cookies and other technologies in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

A "cookie" is a small text file that is sent from a web server to the browser of your computer or mobile device (collectively, the "device") when you visit a website and is stored in the device's internal storage. “Cookies and other technologies” is a general term for text files, including cookies, that are stored on your device when you access a web page, and electronic files that are stored by similar technologies (including web beacons, etc.). Only information that identifies your browser is recorded in cookies and other technologies and no information that can identify you personally (name, address, phone number, etc.) is recorded.

If you allow the transmission and reception of cookies and other technologies in your browser settings, we may acquire cookies and other technologies stored on your computer for the following purposes and link the collected activity history with personal information. We use cookies and other technologies and collected information for the following purposes:

  • (1) For the functionality of our service and/or website
  • (2) For collecting information about how customers use web pages, such as the number of visitors and the pages that are viewed most frequently, and to improve services and products through analysis of access trends by customers
  • (3) For the advertising and marketing of our products and services
  • (4) For measuring advertising efficacy, by collecting information (click date and advertisement placement site) of advertisements that were clicked before visiting our service and/or website from tools operated by third parties such as websites of other companies and advertisement banners.

You can refuse or delete cookies, etc. by changing your browser settings. However, if you select the setting to reject cookies, you may not be able to receive some services provided by our company.

Purpose for Use of Personal Information to be Disclosed (Personal Data Possessed)

Personal information to be disclosed may be used for same purposes as written in Specifications and Disclosure of the Intended Use of Personal Information.

Some types of personal information specified in Specifications and Disclosure of the Intended Use of Personal Information above are entrusted to us and thus do not fall under the definition of personal information to be disclosed. They include those items defined in “5 Information about the persons who asked for brochures or made inquiries about Renaissance High School” where such information has been requested or inquired by phone, on a website accepting combined requests for brochures, or through a referral by a partnering company; or in “8 Applicants for employment” or “10 Personal information received from clients/business partners” where such information has been requested on a website of an employment agency or similar.

(2) Company name, address and name of its representative

Company name:Broadmedia Corporation
Company address:8-4-14 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Name of representative:Taro Hashimoto

(3) Person responsible for personal information

Chief Privacy Officer
Hideaki Oshio

(4) Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

Please use the link below for any inquiries or complaints related to personal information This includes requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, amendment, deletion, discontinuation of use, removal, disclosure of records provided to third parties and discontinuation of provision to third parties.

Note that the personal information collected from the help desk below will be used to answer inquiries related to personal information and to make further improvements to our privacy policy.
Please inquire only if you agree with the above terms.

Broadmedia Personal Information Help Desk
Tel: +81-3-6439-3725
Open 10AM to 6PM, except for weekends and holidays

To make an inquiry via our website, please click here.

Procedure for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information


We will send specific instructions and an inquiry form that is appropriate for the type of inquiry received by the help desk.

  • (1) Once you have received the form(s), follow the instructions to fill out the required items.
  • (2) Send us the completed forms along with two forms of identification, as outlined below.


In order to confirm your identity, we require that you send copies of two of the forms of identification listed below with the completed inquiry form. If you are unable to provide two forms of identification, please contact us for further instructions.

  • (1) A copy of your driver's license
  • (2) A copy of your passport
  • (3) A copy of your residence card
  • (4) A copy of your residence certificate
  • (5) A copy of your health insurance card
  • (6) A copy of your student ID

If you are making an inquiry on behalf of a minor for whom you are a parent/guardian, you must send a copy of your abridged family registry or residence certificate on which the names of both you and the minor are included to prove your relationship to the minor.


There is a fee of 1,000 yen for each inquiry.

(5) Certified Personal Information Protection Organization and Office to which Complaints May Be Addressed

Our company is a member of the following certified personal information protection organization.

Japan Information Processing Development Corporation(JIPDEC)

Complaints may be addressed to the Personal Information Protection Consultation Office of the Japan Information Processing Development Center (JIPDEC).

Roppongi First Building 12F, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: +81-3-5860-7565

(6) Measures taken for security control of retained personal data

To ensure that personal information is rigidly handled, we have formulated personal information protection regulations etc. that are based on our JIS Q 15001-compliant Privacy Policy, and are operating a personal information protection management system based on an understanding of the external environment. In the handling of personal information, we take security control measures from four perspectives, systematic, personnel, physical and technological, as shown below.

Systematic Security Control Measures
(1) Establishment of organizational structure
  • We have established the following organizational structure to facilitate our security control measures.
  • • Appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal data and clarifying responsibilities
  • • Clarifying the scope of personal data that an employee may handle
(2) Establishment of system for handling data leaks, etc.
  • In the event of a data leak or other incident, we have a system for taking the following actions:
  • • Intra-company posting of emergency contact information
  • • Taking emergency measures to prevent further damage
  • • Investigating facts and the cause of the matter
  • • Notifying individuals who may be affected
  • • Discussing and making decisions on measures to prevent recurrence
(3) Understanding the status of the handling of personal data
  • • Implementing periodic self-inspections on the status of handling personal data
  • • Implementing audits by an independent audit division once a year
Personnel Security Control Measures
(1) Educating employees
  • • Formulating an education and training plan regarding the handling of personal information once a year
  • • Providing employees with education and training in accordance with the above plan
(2) Supervision of employees
  • • Establishing employment regulations, etc. defining disciplinary actions to be taken in the event of the violation of rules, regulations, procedures, etc.
  • • Employees are required to submit a written oath on the handling of confidential information including personal data
Physical Security Control Measures
(1) Control of the areas where personal data is handled
  • • Access control system
  • • Taking measures to prevent unauthorized people from viewing personal data
(2) Prevention of theft, etc. of equipment, electronic media and other property
  • • Equipment for the handling of personal data and electronic media, documents and other equipment storing personal data must be kept in a lockable cabinet
(3) Prevention of leaks, etc. when transporting electronic media, etc.
  • • Password protecting portable devices used in the handling of personal data
(4) Deletion of personal data, disposal of equipment, electronic media, etc.
  • • Documents, etc. containing personal data must be disposed of by a method that involves a shredder, dissolution treatment or other non-restorable means
  • • Equipment, electronic media and other materials that stored personal data must be disposed of by a method such as physical destruction or outsourcing to a waste disposal company
Technological Security Control Measures
(1) Access control
  • • Limiting the information systems capable of handling personal information databases, etc.
  • • Limiting the employees who are authorized to use information systems for handling personal information databases, etc. by means of the access rights granted to user IDs
(2) Identifying and authenticating individuals who have access to personal information
  • • Identify system users by means of user IDs, passwords, etc.
  • • Periodically checking the registration and usage information of identification information, and promptly delete unnecessary identification information
(3) Prevention of unauthorized access from outside the company
  • • Installing security software, etc. (e.g. anti-virus software) on information systems and devices and checking for illegal software
(4) Preventing data leaks, etc. associated with the use of information systems
  • • Securing the safety of information systems in their design stage, and continuously reviewing them
  • • Using cloud storage, passwords, etc. to protect personal data being transferred

(7) Revisions to this Page

The contents of this page may be revised in order to further enhance the protection of personal information or in response to new enactments or amendments to laws and guidelines.

Broadmedia Corporation Is Certified to Display the Privacy Mark

The Privacy Mark System
The Privacy Mark System calls on third party organizations to evaluate and certify that business operators have an appropriate system for the protection of personal information, and grants the use of the "Privacy Mark" logo as proof of their compliance.